text docs


Pega branded typography system.

Published Last updated: 5.3.0 Change log Github NPM
Twig Usage
  This is text.
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.

text *

Text content of the headline.


HTML semantic tags.

string p
  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, div, span

Inline text or a block of text.

string block
  • inline or block

Text color in context of theme colors.

string theme-body
  • theme-headline or theme-body

Text alignment.

string inherit
  • inherit, start, center, end

Opacity level.

number 100
  • 100, 80, 60, 40, 20

Quoted text.

boolean false

Line height in context of the typographic design.

string regular
  • tight, regular, loose

Letter spacing in context of the typographic design.

string regular
  • narrow, regular, wide

Transform controls the type case. Please note that capitalize would capitalize the first letter of each word, it is not the same as title case.

string regular
  • regular, uppercase, lowercase, capitalize

Font family in context of the typographic design.

string body
  • headline, body, code

Font size in context of the typographic design.

string medium
  • xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge, xxxlarge

Font weight in context of the typographic design.

string regular
  • regular, semibold, bold

Emphasized text.

string regular
  • regular or italic

A preset for headlines in context of the typographic design.

boolean false

A preset for subheadlines in context of the typographic design.

boolean false

A preset for eyebrow in context of the typographic design.

boolean false

Each item in the array will build a utility class. No need to include u-bolt-. For the web component use comma separated string.

Install Install
npm install @bolt/components-text
Dependencies @bolt/components-link @bolt/core-v3.x @bolt/lazy-queue


Web Component Usage Bolt Text is a web component, you can simply use <bolt-text> in the markup to make it render.
This is text.
  This is text.

text typographic recipes

Typographic Design The following are the official recipes for each piece of our typography. They will cover all common use cases. Only in edge cases, you'd want to break away and create your own recipes. Headlines
This Is the XXXLarge Headline This Is the XXLarge Headline This Is the XLarge Headline This Is the Large Headline This Is the Small Headline This Is the XSmall Headline
This Is the XXLarge Subheadline This Is the XLarge Subheadline This Is the Large Subheadline
This Is the Eyebrow
Teaser Teaser is a combination of text with clear information architecture. It is commonly used as a quick summary that draws the reader to a longer piece of content.
This is an eyebrow This is a headline This is a subheadline This is regular text, and some lorem ipsum. Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit. Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia scelerisque tempor, lacus lacus ornare ante.

text tag variations

Tag Usage <bolt-text> allows for separation of semantics and visual. Using a semantically correct tag will not affect the appearance of the text.
This text has its tag prop defined as: h1
<bolt-text tag="h1">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: h1
This text has its tag prop defined as: h2
<bolt-text tag="h2">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: h2
This text has its tag prop defined as: h3
<bolt-text tag="h3">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: h3
This text has its tag prop defined as: h4
<bolt-text tag="h4">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: h4
This text has its tag prop defined as: h5
<bolt-text tag="h5">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: h5
This text has its tag prop defined as: h6
<bolt-text tag="h6">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: h6
This text has its tag prop defined as: p
<bolt-text tag="p">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: p
This text has its tag prop defined as: div
<bolt-text tag="div">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: div
This text has its tag prop defined as: span
<bolt-text tag="span">
  This text has its tag prop defined as: span

text display variations

Display Usage <bolt-text> can be defined as a paragraph of text (block display) or a piece of inline text (inline display).
This paragraph of text has block display, which means it will take up the full width of its container. This paragraph of text also has block display, but within this paragraph, certain text can be inline display, and it can be styled differently than the rest of the paragraph.
<bolt-text display="block">
  This paragraph of text has block display, which means it will take up the full width of its container.
<bolt-text display="block">
  This paragraph of text also has block display, but within this paragraph, certain text can be <bolt-text display="inline" font-weight="bold" text-transform="uppercase">inline display</bolt-text>, and it can be styled differently than the rest of the paragraph.

text color variations

Color Usage <bolt-text> can be colored accordingly based on theming. It can either take on a particular theme's headline color or body text color.
This text has its color prop defined as: theme-headline
<bolt-text color="theme-headline" font-weight="bold" font-size="large">
  This text has its color prop defined as: theme-headline
This text has its color prop defined as: theme-body
<bolt-text color="theme-body" font-weight="bold" font-size="large">
  This text has its color prop defined as: theme-body

text align variations

Align Usage <bolt-text> can be aligned horizontally. This only applies if display is set to block.
This text has its align prop defined as: inherit
<bolt-text display="block" align="inherit">
  This text has its align prop defined as: inherit
This text has its align prop defined as: start
<bolt-text display="block" align="start">
  This text has its align prop defined as: start
This text has its align prop defined as: center
<bolt-text display="block" align="center">
  This text has its align prop defined as: center
This text has its align prop defined as: end
<bolt-text display="block" align="end">
  This text has its align prop defined as: end

text opacity variations

Opacity Usage <bolt-text> can be adjusted in terms of opacity. The options are synced with Bolt's opacity scale.
This text has its opacity prop defined as: 100
<bolt-text opacity="100">
  This text has its opacity prop defined as: 100
This text has its opacity prop defined as: 80
<bolt-text opacity="80">
  This text has its opacity prop defined as: 80
This text has its opacity prop defined as: 60
<bolt-text opacity="60">
  This text has its opacity prop defined as: 60
This text has its opacity prop defined as: 40
<bolt-text opacity="40">
  This text has its opacity prop defined as: 40
This text has its opacity prop defined as: 20
<bolt-text opacity="20">
  This text has its opacity prop defined as: 20

text quoted

Quote Usage <bolt-text> can be turned into a quote by using the quoted boolean prop.
This text is quoted. This headline text is also quoted.
<bolt-text quoted>
  This text is quoted.
<bolt-text headline quoted>
  This headline text is also quoted.

text line height variations

Line-height Usage <bolt-text> has a few options for leading (line-height). Leading can be adjusted for legibility. The default is regular.
This text has
its line-height
prop defined as:
<bolt-text line-height="tight">
  This text has<br>
  its line-height<br>
  prop defined as:<br>
This text has
its line-height
prop defined as:
<bolt-text line-height="regular">
  This text has<br>
  its line-height<br>
  prop defined as:<br>
This text has
its line-height
prop defined as:
<bolt-text line-height="loose">
  This text has<br>
  its line-height<br>
  prop defined as:<br>
Letter-spacing Usage <bolt-text> has a few options for the spacing in between letters. It can be adjusted for legibility. The default is regular.
This text has its letter-spacing prop defined as: narrow
<bolt-text letter-spacing="narrow">
  This text has its letter-spacing prop defined as: narrow
This text has its letter-spacing prop defined as: regular
<bolt-text letter-spacing="regular">
  This text has its letter-spacing prop defined as: regular
This text has its letter-spacing prop defined as: wide
<bolt-text letter-spacing="wide">
  This text has its letter-spacing prop defined as: wide

text transform variations

Text-transform Usage <bolt-text> has a few options for transforming letter case. It can be adjusted for legibility. The default is regular.
This text has its text-transform prop defined as: regular
<bolt-text text-transform="regular">
  This text has its text-transform prop defined as: regular
This text has its text-transform prop defined as: uppercase
<bolt-text text-transform="uppercase">
  This text has its text-transform prop defined as: uppercase
This text has its text-transform prop defined as: lowercase
<bolt-text text-transform="lowercase">
  This text has its text-transform prop defined as: lowercase
This text has its text-transform prop defined as: capitalize
<bolt-text text-transform="capitalize">
  This text has its text-transform prop defined as: capitalize

text font family variations

Font-family Usage <bolt-text> has a few options to change typefaces. These options are relative to the types of text such as heading, body, and code. Each type is linked to a specific typeface. This method accounts for our evolving brand.
This text has its font-family prop defined as: headline
<bolt-text font-family="headline">
  This text has its font-family prop defined as: headline
This text has its font-family prop defined as: body
<bolt-text font-family="body">
  This text has its font-family prop defined as: body
This text has its font-family prop defined as: code
<bolt-text font-family="code">
  This text has its font-family prop defined as: code

text font size variations

Font-size Usage <bolt-text> has font-size options to indicate information hierarchy.
This text has its font-size prop defined as: xsmall
<bolt-text font-size="xsmall">
  This text has its font-size prop defined as: xsmall
This text has its font-size prop defined as: small
<bolt-text font-size="small">
  This text has its font-size prop defined as: small
This text has its font-size prop defined as: medium
<bolt-text font-size="medium">
  This text has its font-size prop defined as: medium
This text has its font-size prop defined as: large
<bolt-text font-size="large">
  This text has its font-size prop defined as: large
This text has its font-size prop defined as: xlarge
<bolt-text font-size="xlarge">
  This text has its font-size prop defined as: xlarge
This text has its font-size prop defined as: xxlarge
<bolt-text font-size="xxlarge">
  This text has its font-size prop defined as: xxlarge
This text has its font-size prop defined as: xxxlarge
<bolt-text font-size="xxxlarge">
  This text has its font-size prop defined as: xxxlarge

text font style variations

Font-style Usage <bolt-text> has font-style options to indicate simple emphasis.
This text has its font-style prop defined as: regular
<bolt-text font-style="regular">
  This text has its font-style prop defined as: regular
This text has its font-style prop defined as: italic
<bolt-text font-style="italic">
  This text has its font-style prop defined as: italic

text font weight variations

Font-weight Usage <bolt-text> has font-weight options to indicate emphasis hierarchy.
This text has its font-weight prop defined as: regular
<bolt-text font-weight="regular">
  This text has its font-weight prop defined as: regular
This text has its font-weight prop defined as: semibold
<bolt-text font-weight="semibold">
  This text has its font-weight prop defined as: semibold
This text has its font-weight prop defined as: bold
<bolt-text font-weight="bold">
  This text has its font-weight prop defined as: bold

text ssr with twig filter

Server-side Rendered Web Components (Experimental) The <bolt-text> component, among many other web components in Bolt, will support server-side rendering via the new upcoming {% filter bolt_ssr %} custom Twig filter. Check out the docs on server-side rendering for information!
This is text.
{% filter bolt_ssr %}
    This is text.
{% endfilter %}